Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August Quilt Along Parade........FINALLY!!!

Okay friends I know its the 15th of August and there hasn't been any communications from me.......Why you ask?  Well have you every cleaned out an area and can't remember where you put something?  Well 1st I cleaned out my computer and it made me had to sign into all my sites.  No biggie right?  WRONG!!!  I also cleaned out my craft room and COULD NOT FIND MY PASSWORD BOOK!!!!!  I totally forgot my password on my Blogger account and couldn't find my book.  Well fast forward to yesterday, I FOUND IT!!!!  I put it in a "safe" place.  You know where that is right?  LOL  okay so NOW it is in a REALLY safe place and I told my daughter where it is so if I cant find it again I will ask her and she will tell me!  This getting old thing......haha....but definitely my Apologies to all!!!!!

Okay so ONTO THE PARADE!!!!!

First let me Say that Mandy from the UK has been with me for quite some time now and she did not participate this month.  She wrote to tell me she lost her Mom and so if you would say a little prayer for her, it is a difficult season in her life.  Mandy please know I am praying for you and so deeply sorry for your loss.

We had some beautiful entries as always and some creative ones that made theirs mini's!!!  So not gonna let you wait anymore, lets get to it!!! 

Judy sent in this very lovely red and white version.....I love this offering.  I have been wanting to do a red and white quilt and this is definitely inspiring me!!! Very Pretty Judy

Next up is from Robin ,   And she wrote this:

 "Here is my smaller version of Snowballs and Nine Patches. It measures 13-1/2" x 18" and is quilted with variegated thread.  I like to make small and mini quilts.
This one hasn't cooled off this summer heat yet though.."  yeah it didn't cool me off either....LOL

This first picture is after she washed it and its all crinkley!!!
 This is the before she washed it......Great Job Robin!

Next up is our other Robin.....Oh how I love these fall colors!  So warm and inviting and I really like the black background....very pretty.

Robin Wrote:

  Attached is photo of my July challenge.  I went "mini" by challenging myself to use the leftovers from another project I had just cut.  So I used 1.25 inch squares, which made the 9 patch blocks finish at 2.25 inches.  The scraps of the black used for setting triangles dictated the size they could be cut, meaning I sometimes lost the 1/4 inch seam allowance.  So I trimmed it down and blanket-stitched to a border to "make do".  The whole quilt measures 12.5 x 16 inches.  I'm happy with the way it turned out!

And lastly is mine......I used Lynn Hagemeir fabric.  I really like the way it turned out. 

For next month , since its a very short amount I left you I thought I would go easy, so here is the next up!!!    So we will be using Kathleen Tracys book this month.......Please turn to HONEYBEE!!!!!

  I am excited to do the applique......Can't wait to see what you all come up with!!!!  Okay so , Password is in a safe place with back up! LOL 

God Bless!


Oh my goodness its been OVER a year!!  WHAT???? What happened?  Hmmmmm Facebook, Instagram and just plain life. I guess you can say I took...