Oh my goodness its been OVER a year!! WHAT???? What happened? Hmmmmm Facebook, Instagram and just plain life.
I guess you can say I took a break. I opened an Etsy shoppe and Joined Origami Owl Living Lockets. Have you ever heard of it? Its is a whole lot of fun and pretty all rolled into a living locket!
It tells your story of Y O U. What you love, what is special to you.
I will put up my website so you can poke around.
I chose to sell this because their Jewelry is quality and who doesn't like Swarovski Crystal?
I am also still Quilting and Crafting, in fact my church is holding their annual Craft Bazaar and yours truly is having 2 tables this year of so much stuff.
Tell me what have you been up too? Please leave me a comment, would love to hear from you!
My Handle is Cupcake4Tillie on Instagram
Have a Blessed day!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
August Quilt Along Parade........FINALLY!!!
Okay friends I know its the 15th of August and there hasn't been any communications from me.......Why you ask? Well have you every cleaned out an area and can't remember where you put something? Well 1st I cleaned out my computer and it made me had to sign into all my sites. No biggie right? WRONG!!! I also cleaned out my craft room and COULD NOT FIND MY PASSWORD BOOK!!!!! I totally forgot my password on my Blogger account and couldn't find my book. Well fast forward to yesterday, I FOUND IT!!!! I put it in a "safe" place. You know where that is right? LOL okay so NOW it is in a REALLY safe place and I told my daughter where it is so if I cant find it again I will ask her and she will tell me! This getting old thing......haha....but definitely my Apologies to all!!!!!
Okay so ONTO THE PARADE!!!!!
First let me Say that Mandy from the UK has been with me for quite some time now and she did not participate this month. She wrote to tell me she lost her Mom and so if you would say a little prayer for her, it is a difficult season in her life. Mandy please know I am praying for you and so deeply sorry for your loss.
We had some beautiful entries as always and some creative ones that made theirs mini's!!! So not gonna let you wait anymore, lets get to it!!!
Judy sent in this very lovely red and white version.....I love this offering. I have been wanting to do a red and white quilt and this is definitely inspiring me!!! Very Pretty Judy
"Here is my smaller version of Snowballs and Nine Patches. It measures 13-1/2" x 18" and is quilted with variegated thread. I like to make small and mini quilts.
This one hasn't cooled off this summer heat yet though.." yeah it didn't cool me off either....LOL
This first picture is after she washed it and its all crinkley!!!
This is the before she washed it......Great Job Robin!
Okay so ONTO THE PARADE!!!!!
First let me Say that Mandy from the UK has been with me for quite some time now and she did not participate this month. She wrote to tell me she lost her Mom and so if you would say a little prayer for her, it is a difficult season in her life. Mandy please know I am praying for you and so deeply sorry for your loss.
We had some beautiful entries as always and some creative ones that made theirs mini's!!! So not gonna let you wait anymore, lets get to it!!!
Judy sent in this very lovely red and white version.....I love this offering. I have been wanting to do a red and white quilt and this is definitely inspiring me!!! Very Pretty Judy
Next up is from Robin , And she wrote this:
This one hasn't cooled off this summer heat yet though.." yeah it didn't cool me off either....LOL
This first picture is after she washed it and its all crinkley!!!
This is the before she washed it......Great Job Robin!
Next up is our other Robin.....Oh how I love these fall colors! So warm and inviting and I really like the black background....very pretty.
Robin Wrote:
Attached is photo of my July challenge. I went "mini" by challenging myself to use the leftovers from another project I had just cut. So I used 1.25 inch squares, which made the 9 patch blocks finish at 2.25 inches. The scraps of the black used for setting triangles dictated the size they could be cut, meaning I sometimes lost the 1/4 inch seam allowance. So I trimmed it down and blanket-stitched to a border to "make do". The whole quilt measures 12.5 x 16 inches. I'm happy with the way it turned out!
And lastly is mine......I used Lynn Hagemeir fabric. I really like the way it turned out.
For next month , since its a very short amount I left you I thought I would go easy, so here is the next up!!! So we will be using Kathleen Tracys book this month.......Please turn to HONEYBEE!!!!!
I am excited to do the applique......Can't wait to see what you all come up with!!!! Okay so , Password is in a safe place with back up! LOL
God Bless!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
July Quilt Along Parade!!
Hello my friends and Happy 4th of July!! A few days late from the first but we were Celebrating the fourth with all kinds of festivities and didn't have a moment to really focus on this post. Which I really like to give credit to all you lovelies that work so hard taking the time making your projects!
so here we go........
Robin not only made one but TWO quilts, one in red and one is blue....love them both!
Great job and let me say she is FAST, she had them to me in the first week I believe!!
And here is what she wrote me, " (I had copied a photo from Pinterest before learning Kathy was patterning it in her new book), so I made another in red and white!"
That folks is incredibly talented!!! Thanks Robin!
so here we go........
Robin not only made one but TWO quilts, one in red and one is blue....love them both!
Great job and let me say she is FAST, she had them to me in the first week I believe!!
And here is what she wrote me, " (I had copied a photo from Pinterest before learning Kathy was patterning it in her new book), so I made another in red and white!"
That folks is incredibly talented!!! Thanks Robin!
Next up is Judy. I really like the dark fabric with design. It really gives it texture. And her quilting is beautiful! Great job Judy.
Next up is Mandy all the way from the UK! She wrote:
"I loved making this cute offering. This would be lovely as a full sized quilt . I bet it would look great done in solids with blackground (very amish). "
I would have to agree with Mandy....I may try to make an amish offering!
And lastly is mine....I chose brown as my dark fabric to match my décor which is mainly primitive.
I thank you ladies for your participation! Now get your sewing machines ready and cutters in hand....here is next months challenge!!! Go grab your "Sew Charming" book for this month...
....... since we are SSSOOOOOO hot here In Idaho....like over 100+ for a week I choose " Snowballs and Nine Patches"
Can't wait to see the variations!! If your wanting to join the group, come on board!!!
In the meantime, have a blessed day!
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
June 1st Quilt along Parade
What? It's JUNE 1st. Where did 2017 take off too? I find as I get older time just whizzes by and doesn't care if it's fast to me, but when I was soooo very young all I could do is watch the clock and the hands of time never moved...lol. Anyone there with me?
EDIT: If you just found us or are wanting more info on the quiltlaong here is the breakdown of the Quiltalong in this post....we are working from these two books this year and you can join at any time!!!!
But for today I have a lovely show of small quilts to share with you! This was a simple quilt but fun to put together and it went fast right along with 2017...they must have been holding hands! Haha
So let us begin with a lovely parade by some very talented quilters!
First up we have Cathys colorful top! Very pretty nice colors they just pop and look so cheerful!
Next up in a beautiful Blue and cream is Judy's...she wrote It measures 12” by 14”. It was fun to make.Real nice Job Judy! You can find her blog here: http://smallquiltsanddollquilts.blogspot.com
and next up is Robin, here's what she said... Split Squares with some French General charm squares I had on hand. I used fewer blocks so it measures about 16.5 x 20 inches.
EDIT: If you just found us or are wanting more info on the quiltlaong here is the breakdown of the Quiltalong in this post....we are working from these two books this year and you can join at any time!!!!
But for today I have a lovely show of small quilts to share with you! This was a simple quilt but fun to put together and it went fast right along with 2017...they must have been holding hands! Haha
So let us begin with a lovely parade by some very talented quilters!
First up we have Cathys colorful top! Very pretty nice colors they just pop and look so cheerful!
And lastly Mine, I must confess I have had my top finished for some time now but didn't quilt it yet..... I am hoping to complete it sometime this week....but for now this is what I have.....I made it original size and after seeing the smaller version I wish I would have made mine smaller as well!
Beautifully done ladies!!!! And now for next months challenge we go to the Small and Scrappy book by Kathleen Tracy....turn to page 20-21 and find your "BLUE AND WHITE!"
I think this is so darling and can't wait to make it look antique.....maybe even hand quilt it!!!
Can't wait to see what you come up with....remember you can join at any time...just email me your photo of your finished quilt or quilttop before the last day of the month along with a link to your blog. See you all soon and enjoy all the eye candy!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Happy Mail Day!!!
Don't you love it when you get fun stuff in the mail? Even if you sent it to yourself... hehe.
Well today was THAT day for me. I love shopping at Fat Quarter Shop. Such great turn around time and great products! I was floating around the web drooling at some other quilts blogs and when I was poking around Camilles blog she was raving about Little House pins. So I went on a search and FQS had them! So I decided a little retail therapy was in order! Let me first say I did call my local Quilt shops and neither of the two had any, so I turned to the web. I support local when I can because these people are our neighbors so try to support local when you can!
Anyway... I will just leave you with some eye candy. Here is what I purchased
Well today was THAT day for me. I love shopping at Fat Quarter Shop. Such great turn around time and great products! I was floating around the web drooling at some other quilts blogs and when I was poking around Camilles blog she was raving about Little House pins. So I went on a search and FQS had them! So I decided a little retail therapy was in order! Let me first say I did call my local Quilt shops and neither of the two had any, so I turned to the web. I support local when I can because these people are our neighbors so try to support local when you can!
Anyway... I will just leave you with some eye candy. Here is what I purchased
Little House Pins
Moda Tin Boxes
I absolutely love those Moda tin boxes...I have many of them and they are so handy! The pins are so very sharp and go in like Butta, and that fabric....sigh...Lori Holt knows how to design what I like
Right from inside my head! LOL. I will be back soon with more to show you, because I had another day of happy Mail.....until then....
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Quilt Along May 2017
Hi everyone! Hope your all well and still with me. Had to take a bit of a break to deal with some pretty serious stuff. Now things have settled down a bit and we are finding our new normal. So the last Quilt along was not well received which kind of surprised me but only Robin, Mandy and I participated. Nonetheless I am still going to showcase our quilts and issue the new Challenge for the June Quiltalong. So we left off with The Disappearing Four Patch.
Here is Robins, beautiful job as always with her quilting! Nice job Robin
Here is Robins, beautiful job as always with her quilting! Nice job Robin
Mandy used lovely soft colors of white and lavender
And now mine
I decided to double the width just because no real reason...lol
I love the way it showcases my candle holder, gives it a kind of Little house on the prairie feel.
So that was the big show. Now onto next month.....Due on or before May 31st for the June first show.
I do hope you participate, now we are getting back on track!
Okay so hop on into your book
and open to page 21
This is a really fun project! Hope to see what different fabrics you all come up with!!! See you all soon~~ Until then, enjoy the sunshine!
Friday, April 21, 2017
Tea Cup Exchange
Hello everyone!
I wanted to share with you about a Teacup exchange I recently joined and today is REVEAL day!!!
( my apologies for the delay as I just got a new IPhone 7 and could not for the life of me figure out how to upload the photos! Sheesh!!!).
Stephanie over at The Enchanting Rose hosted the 10th exchange and she always does such a lovely job! Her blog is beautiful eye candy and she is so uplifting. Go hop over and check it out. If you click the link it will take you to see the exchange of other cups with out a blog.
Okay so I was given Cindy over at Consider it all joy, which I hope to meet in person one day as she has family in the next town over from me!!! She has a very dear child Madi, that would enjoy meeting my girls I bet, and so I made sure that Madi had something special as well in the package!! She is starting to decorate in an Beachy theme so the girls and I set out and this is what we found for her....a few of the items were handmade by me...can you guess which ones?
And I Recieve my package from Mary in Conneticut and WOW OH WOW was my package ever beautiful and packed full of beautiful things!!! I was so happy, everything was gorgeous...take a lookat this eye candy!!
Lots of delightful tea!

Well my friends I hope you enjoyed the overload of beauty! I will be back to post very soon, for those of you in the quilt club I apologize but we had a lot of not so fun things to take care of the past two months and now I think things are finally settling down. See you very soon!!!
I wanted to share with you about a Teacup exchange I recently joined and today is REVEAL day!!!
( my apologies for the delay as I just got a new IPhone 7 and could not for the life of me figure out how to upload the photos! Sheesh!!!).
Stephanie over at The Enchanting Rose hosted the 10th exchange and she always does such a lovely job! Her blog is beautiful eye candy and she is so uplifting. Go hop over and check it out. If you click the link it will take you to see the exchange of other cups with out a blog.
Okay so I was given Cindy over at Consider it all joy, which I hope to meet in person one day as she has family in the next town over from me!!! She has a very dear child Madi, that would enjoy meeting my girls I bet, and so I made sure that Madi had something special as well in the package!! She is starting to decorate in an Beachy theme so the girls and I set out and this is what we found for her....a few of the items were handmade by me...can you guess which ones?
Mug mats
A stick pin
And I Recieve my package from Mary in Conneticut and WOW OH WOW was my package ever beautiful and packed full of beautiful things!!! I was so happy, everything was gorgeous...take a lookat this eye candy!!
Look at all the fun stuff!! Now to highlight
Lots of delightful tea!
The teacup....OH MY!!! It came in that cute box along with a special spoon and two honey spoons!!
3 lovely scented candles which I will be using on my back porch where I spend a lot of evenings with the family and we always have candles going!
Oh be still my heart.....FABRIC!!! Mary was so sweet to indulge me in some fabrics for my favorite pastime which is quilting. Thank you so much I will be definitely be using these! So very pretty!
Okay so I love, love, love little things....and this little ornament is so very cute I can hardly contain my delight!!! I am in a happy place.
I am suspecting that Mary made this very pretty and springy table runner for me, it is on my formal dining table right now and is so very lovely.
Not sure how Mary knew I LOVE sunbonnet Sue!!! She embroidered these towels just for me!! Even has my name on them! Thank you so much!
and this lovely homemade card to boot!! Mary hit it right out of the park with my package.....I was so moved by all the details and how she picked things that are special to me.....so Mary Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart!! I LOVED EVERYTHING!!!!!!
To Stephanie, Thank you for pairing me up with two very lovely ladies!!!
Well my friends I hope you enjoyed the overload of beauty! I will be back to post very soon, for those of you in the quilt club I apologize but we had a lot of not so fun things to take care of the past two months and now I think things are finally settling down. See you very soon!!!
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Oh my goodness its been OVER a year!! WHAT???? What happened? Hmmmmm Facebook, Instagram and just plain life. I guess you can say I took...
I am soooooo very excited to announce, with the permission and Blessings from Kathleen Tracy herself!!!!! I will be hosting a monthly Quilt...
Today is " the" day.....I am the big golden egg....I Am 50 years old. I can't believe it. I don't feel old, I feel like ...